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Introduction to College and Career Awareness


  • Project TitleIntroduction to College and Career Awareness
  • ThemeExpose students to college and career awareness.
  • Submitted ByMichele Boyer-Vivori and Jaime Hamilton
  • OrganizationDrury High School
  • Brief DescriptionIntroducing the concepts of college and career exploration to a cohort of eighth, ninth and tenth grade students in a summer program. Students completed core academic work which was supplemented by our college and career awareness and exploration.
  • Materials / ResourcesNaviance (computer program), computer access, MASS CIS, poster paper/markers/scissors/glue, college guidebooks/catalogs, binders, "Quest for College" game
  • Team membersMichele Boyer-Vivori, Jaime Hamilton and Kathy Morgan
  • Pre-requisite knowledgeNone
  • Technical support neededComputer support as necessary
  • Any modifications or extensions for particular student populations?This circumstance was not presented during these lessons, but each lesson could be adapted to fit the needs of different learning levels.

Key Questions

  • Key QuestionsHow to introduce concepts of college and career awareness, exploration and immersion to a group of at-risk students.
  • Connections: How or why was this topic identified? Why is it meaningful?The student were identified at-risk by their academic progress and test scores and the college/career component is a key piece in their future success.
  • Background Research: What resources were used to find background information for this project?Naviance (including Roadtrip Nation), MASS CIS (Reality Check), "Quest for College" board game, college guidebooks
  • Outcomes: What was the outcome? How was it shared or applied in the community?Students took a pre/post test to determine their level of knowledge regarding college and careers. After the lessons were presented, students had a better understanding of what was expected and what the path to college and career success looked like. The posters that the students created will be on display in the College and Career Center at Drury High School and their work was displayed at celebration at the end of the program.
  • Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?Families were invited to the end of the program celebration to view student accomplishments.

Units / Activities

  • Introduction to Naviance program and view Roadtrip Nation clips - 1 hourStudents were introduced to the Naviance website which they will be using throughout high school. They completed the Career Interest Inventory, viewed clips on various careers and completed the College Supermatch. Computer, access to Naviance Modifications as needed.
  • Create a College Poster - 1 1/2 hoursStudents worked in groups to create a college poster using a rubric that was given to them asking for specific information about their chosen college. They used internet research and college guidebooks to find their information and displayed it on a poster that will be hung in the College and Career Center.Poster paper, computer access, markers, glue, scissors, college guidebooks
  •  /project441_3558/Portal-Poster.JPG/project441_3558/Portal-Poster2.JPG/project441_3558/Portal-Poster2.JPG
  • Pre/Post Test (regarding college and career awareness) - 15 minutes eachStudents took a 10 question short answer pre/post test that we used to determine their level of college and career awareness.Test, pen/pencil
  • MASS CIS (Reality Check) - 1 hourStudents were introduced to the MASS CIS website and were then asked to complete the "Reality Check" which is an assessment that addressed how they will pay for housing, food, clothing, transportation and other items to see if their chosen occupation will support their chosen lifestyle. Students were surprised at the outcomes and the amount of money it takes to live independently.Computer, MASS CIS website
  •  /project441_3558/Portal-MACIS.JPG
  • "Quest for College" Game - 1 hourStudents were broken up into groups and took part in the game "Quest for College" which was created by Gina Coleman and her students at Williams College. The game asks a series of questions to get students thinking about what their next steps should be if they want to be ready for college in the future. It gives them an indication of what is expected and how mistakes that they may be currently making could impact their future."Quest for College" game
  •  /project441_3558/Portal-Quest.JPG/project441_3558/Portal-Quest2.JPG

Instructional Techniques

  • Hands on exposure/experienceThis was used when students were asked to create a college poster, which they researched and created on their own. It was also used as they were completing the MASS CIS "Reality Check", "Quest for College" game and the Naviance inventory and Supermatch.
  • Teacher directedAs instructors, we gave the pre/post test to students. We also gave information on basic college and career awareness including information on work permits, steps to take when researching colleges and various careers and how to problem solve ways to change their current behaviors and academic success/failure to meet their goals of becoming college and career ready.

Assessment Techniques

  • Pre/Post TestA pre/post test was created using information that assessed their current knowledge of college and career awareness. A copy of this pre/post test has been attached.

    View/Download File: Pre/Post Test - College/Career

  • College PosterStudents were asked to create a college poster using a rubric provided that included facts pertinent to their chosen college. They worked in groups to complete this assignment.

    View/Download File: College Poster Rubric

Tags = careers | College and Career | Subject = ELA, Technology | Grade Level = MS, HS | Time Period = Summer | Program/Funding = |
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