Contextual Learning Portal 3D Design CAD
Basics- Topic3D Design CAD
- Employer Site444 Green St. Gardner, MA. 01440
- Submitted By (Teacher Name)Todd Shattuck
- SchoolFitchburg High School
- Brief Description and RationaleThis is an end of Solidworks I project. Student‘s that are interested in pursuing a career in design manufacturing will have a base knowledge of Solidworks and 3D design. This lesson when completed will provide students with entry level CAD knowledge which will allow them to advance in the design manufacturing field.
- Grade LevelGrades 9-12 High School
- Materials / ResourcesEach student will be provided a computer with Solidworks downloaded and access to the internet.
- Duration of lessonThis unit will take five 55 minute class periods
- Key Vocabulary / Word WallSweep, Loft, Helix, Assembly drawing, Mates
- Pre-Requisite KnowledgeThis unit is designed as an end of the class final project. Student‘s have been working in Solidworks for at least 45 days. All students will have to had to complete multiple drawings using revolve, extrude, cut and planes. If a student hasn‘t passed in these drawings they will not be able to proceed with this project.
- Strategies to promote equityAll student will have equal access to the materials and resources needed to complete the drawing. ESL student‘s as well as students with 504‘s and IEP‘s will be provided with the appropriate accommodations.
1. The classroom will have clear rules, showing how we will treat everyone equally.
2. I will create an all inclusive culture, where everyone feels comfortable speaking their minds in an appropriate manner.
3. All students will be challenged equally.
4. I will avoid stereotypes and be aware of all other religious holidays. - Instructional ObjectivesStudents will be able to create an advanced 3 dimensional drawing of a soap dispenser/hand sanitizer bottle. At the completion of the drawing the student will be able to create an assembly and present it to the class.
Lesson #1 | Designing a Soap/Hand sanitizer dispenser.- Lesson Plan 1 TopicDesigning a Soap/Hand sanitizer dispenser.
- Lesson plan 1 objectivesStudents will choose a dispenser design that they will be able to create using Solidworks.
Students will be able to define the Sweep command in Solidworks.
Students will be able to define the Loft command in Solidworks. - Anticipatory set or lesson opening (to activate students` prior learning or draw student interest or involvement)Do Now. Question for the day.
Is there one type of hand sanitizer that your family prefers to buy. Why? What are the reasons for the preference? Does the design of the bottle have any significance? Where will it be used (car, home, carry on). - Direct InstructionShow students how to research types of soap/sanitizer dispensers. Give online examples on the board. Students need to know the rules when using the internet. (appropriate sites, stay on task, don`t pick the easy way out) The purpose for the research is to find a dispenser that you are capable of creating or redesigning. This should take about most of the class. Towards the end of class, instruction on defining and using the sweep and Loft commands.

- Guided PracticeAs the students are researching the web for designs, I will be keeping them on task and helping them pick a design that each student will be capable of creating. Advanced students can pick a pump design, while students that are struggling should pick a top with a pour or squirt top. Students will be required to show a picture of the design they are using for the project. If a student wants to design their own dispenser they will need a rough sketch for approval and will need to follow the size specifications.
- Independent Practice/Differentiated ActivitiesInstruction will be differentiated depending upon the individual needs of each student in the class. ESL, IEP, and 504`s.
Academic/Educational Achievement and Learning:
1. Jon will be provided extra time for his project with a specific due date for completion.
2.Teachers notes given at beginning of lesson for previewing & personalizing/highlighting as lesson continues. Use detailed outline as handout.
3. Teacher will check in daily with direct instruction using: Repeat / rephrase instructions / input / summarize periodically.
- Reflection on Employability SkillsTeach students that life long skills are extremely important (being on time, paying attention, be prepared) Ask students if any relatives work in the local plastic manufacturing companies. Explain basic salary scale from floor workers to designers and the amount of education needed for each.
- Lesson ClosureFinal teacher approval of design. 5 minute open question period. Explain the process of the next class. Using prior designs show examples of former student projects.
- Summative/end of lesson assessmentExit Ticket. Students will be given the next 4 class periods to create a soap dispenser part using Solidworks. Everyone will know that the next four classes will begin with short CAD lessons introducing new commands and advanced techniques for designing a part.
- References/Resources/
Teacher PreparationBook:
Learning Solidworks 2015
Modeling, Assembly, and Analysis.
Lesson #2 | Designing a Soap/Hand sanitizer dispenser.
Starting point, sweep, relations, sketch path.- Lesson Plan 2 TopicDesigning a Soap/Hand sanitizer dispenser.
Starting point, sweep, relations, sketch path. - Lesson Plan 2 ObjectivesStudents will be able to choose a dispenser design that they will be able to create using Solidworks.
Students will be able to define the Sweep command in Solidworks.
Students will be able to define the Loft command in Solidworks.
Students will be able to define the Helix command in Solidworks.
Students will be able to define the Assembly command in Solidworks.
Students will be able to define the Mates command in Solidworks. - Anticipatory set or lesson opening (to activate students` prior learning or draw student interest or involvement)Review yesterdays goals. Go over today`s daily objective.
Do Now. Question for the day. Does everyone have a design picked out?
Give some time for previously absent students and students that haven`t selected their design.

- Direct InstructionLesson on how to start the design in Solidworks.
Start from the top view, using the origin and top plane as the base. It`s extremely important to start the dispenser on this plane and using origin as a reference. The second sketch will be done on the front plane and has to have a pierce relation to the outside of the bottom sketch. Reintroduce sketch profile and path. This drawing will have two profiles so give example. - Guided PracticeAfter lesson use the role as facilitator. Help as needed. Use students that have advanced knowledge to help students that are struggling.
- Independent Practice/Differentiated ActivitiesInstruction will be differentiated depending upon the needs of students in the class. ESL, IEP, and 504`s.
Academic/Educational Achievement and Learning:
1. John will be provided extra time for his project with a specific due date for completion.
2.Teachers notes given at beginning of lesson for previewing & personalizing/highlighting as lesson continues. Use detailed outline as handout.
3. Teacher will check in daily with direct instruction using: Repeat / rephrase instructions / input / summarize periodically. - Reflection on Employability SkillsAsk students if any relatives work in the local plastic manufacturing companies.
If there are any relatives that work in the industry bring it to the classes attention. Make contact with the individual. - Lesson ClosureTeacher assessment of individuals progress with their design. Go over any difficulties that students were struggling with.
- Summative/end of lesson assessment10 minute wrap up of today`s questions.
Outline next class. - References/Resources/
Teacher PreparationLearning Solidworks 2015
Modeling, Assembly, and Analysis.
Lesson #3 | Soap dispenser.
Sweep, sketch relations, planes, paths, profiles- Lesson Plan 3 TopicSoap dispenser.
Sweep, sketch relations, planes, paths, profiles - Lesson Plan 3 ObjectivesStudents will understand the use of sweep and how it relates to sketch profiles, planes and paths.
- Anticipatory set or lesson opening (to activate students` prior learning or draw student interest or involvement)Reference prior drawing number 25. The use of shell, extrude and planes. Explain similarities between 25, coffee mug and current drawing.
- Direct InstructionSolidworks lesson on main points.
Sketch profile, sketch patch, starting point, starting plane, sketch relations, and sweep. - Guided PracticeAfter lesson use the role as facilitator.
Help as needed.
Use students that have advanced knowledge to help students that are struggling. - Independent Practice/Differentiated ActivitiesInstruction will be differentiated depending upon the needs of students in the class. ESL, IEP, and 504`s.
Academic/Educational Achievement and Learning:
1. John will be provided extra time for his project with a specific due date for completion.
2.Teachers notes given at beginning of lesson for previewing & personalizing/highlighting as lesson continues. Use detailed outline as handout.
3. Teacher will check in daily with direct instruction using: Repeat / rephrase instructions / input / summarize periodically. - Reflection on Employability SkillsAsk students if any relatives work in the local plastic manufacturing companies.
If there are any relatives that work in the industry bring it to the classes attention. Make contact with the individual. - Lesson ClosureTeacher assessment of individuals progress with their design. Go over any difficulties that students were struggling with.
- Summative/end of lesson assessment10 minute wrap up of today`s questions.
Outline next class. - References/Resources/
Teacher PreparationLearning Solidworks 2015
Modeling, Assembly, and Analysis.
Lesson #4 | The top of the dispenser. Understanding threads- Lesson Plan 4 TopicThe top of the dispenser. Understanding threads
- Lesson Plan 4 ObjectivesStudents will understand how to create threads using the Helix command.
- Anticipatory set or lesson opening (to activate students` prior learning or draw student interest or involvement)Overview of basic thread configurations. Pitch, revolution, start angle, purpose (use), Metal, plastic, heavy duty, light duty.
- Direct InstructionLesson on Helix. Show how to create a basic helix using a circle. When the helix is complete create another sketch using a different plane and create a relation. Explain how the sweep command will be used on the top of the bottle. Do not worry about the cap/dispenser at this point.
- Guided PracticeAfter lesson use the role as facilitator. Help as needed.
Use students that have advanced knowledge to help students that are struggling. - Independent Practice/Differentiated ActivitiesInstruction will be differentiated depending upon the needs of students in the class. ESL, IEP, and 504`s.
Academic/Educational Achievement and Learning:
1. John will be provided extra time for his project with a specific due date for completion.
2.Teachers notes given at beginning of lesson for previewing & personalizing/highlighting as lesson continues. Use detailed outline as handout.
3. Teacher will check in daily with direct instruction using: Repeat / rephrase instructions / input / summarize periodically. - Reflection on Employability SkillsStudents will be given a lesson on lifelong (soft) skills for employment in manufacturing.
The lesson will focus on ten soft skills that employers are looking for in employees.
Positive attitude, responsibility, time management, communication, listening skills, problem solving, self motivation, teamwork, self control and conflict resolution. - Lesson ClosureTeacher assessment of individuals progress with their design. Go over any difficulties that students were struggling with. Remind everyone of the due date and put the some pressure on the students that are behind. Open up free time or set up extra time for after school if needed.
- Summative/end of lesson assessment10 minute wrap up of today`s questions.
Outline next class. - References/Resources/
Teacher PreparationLearning Solidworks 2015
Modeling, Assembly, and Analysis.
Lesson #5 | Drawing 2 Dispenser Cap- Lesson Plan 5 TopicDrawing 2 Dispenser Cap
- Lesson Plan 5 ObjectivesStudents will create a separate cap with an interior Helix for the soap dispenser. Students Will create an assembly that mates the body and the cap for the dispenser
- Anticipatory set or lesson opening (to activate students` prior learning or draw student interest or involvement)Basic mates in assembly drawings. Example of concentric, coincident mating
- Direct InstructionLesson on assembly. Importing base drawing and cap as mate component. Explain how to show assembly that will explode with threads spinning off the base model
- Guided PracticeI will provide individual help to anyone needing to finish project.
The final step is the bottles will be displayed or presented in front of the class, students will grade the design of the bottle using the design rubric. The consensus grade from the class will be only be used as feedback and practice for future critiquing. - Independent Practice/Differentiated ActivitiesIf student chooses not to show their project, I will encourage that student to help with giving positive feedback toward others.
- Reflection on Employability SkillsStudents will be given a lesson on lifelong (soft) skills for employment in manufacturing.
The lesson will focus on ten soft skills that employers are looking for in employees.
Positive attitude, responsibility, time management, communication, listening skills, problem-solving, self-motivation, teamwork, self-control, and conflict resolution. - Lesson ClosureShort lesson on classroom critiques and how to act when students are showing their projects. Only positives from students.
- Summative/end of lesson assessmentPresentation of the assembly. Exploded view shown to entire class. Explode and assemble.

- References/Resources/
Teacher PreparationLearning Solidworks 2015
Modeling, Assembly, and Analysis.
Recommended Strategies / Instructional Techniques - Reading StrategiesNew and difficult vocabulary posted on the board and word wall.
Technical reading in pairs if needed. - Multimedia/Visual Strategy (f.e. slides)Solidworks lesson presented by teacher on front board through a projector and onto each individual computer using classroom software. Internet videos and lessons available when needed.
Please copy and paste the sweep bottle link into browser.
View/Download File: Sweep lesson View/Download File: Loft lesson - Graphic organizers or handoutsDrawing rubric is posted and in each students folder. Students will print their design of choice for reference during the designing of the dispenser. A handout will be made available with specifications of the soap dispenser as well as being posted on the board.

- Writing StrategiesStudents write a summary of the steps taken to create their Solidworks part and assembly.
Target your audience
Use an outline
Revise,(work on word choice), edit,and proofread again. - Speaking and Listening StrategiesModel language by saying aloud and writing the ideas and concepts on the board.
Clear daily objective.
Tell students what they are learning about each day and what it will involve drawing, reading, writing and listening.
Model behavior with classroom rules and everyday respect.
- Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?In lesson one, there was discussion of students relatives in the manufacturing industry. When possible I will reach out to the relative to gain any insight possible. The goal is to make the technology program connected to local families and companies by promoting the companies mission statement, product brochures and hopefully having guest speakers.
Detailed Outline- Soap/sanitizer dispenser Design
Explain Relevance
How can it be improved
Research types of soap/sanitizer dispensers. Give online examples on the board. Students need to know the rules when using the internet. (appropriate sites, stay on task, don`t pick the easy way out) The purpose for the research is to find a dispenser that you are capable of creating or redesigning. This should take about most of the class. Towards the end of class, instruction on defining and using the sweep and Loft commands.
- Research styles of dispensers.
Why do they have a preference?
Choose or create Rough designExplanation of purpose of design.
What is the importance? - Introduce new vocabulary.
Introduce new commands used in creating the project.Sweep, Loft, Helix, Mate, Assembly
Go over outline of tomorrows activities
Tags = CAD | Subject = Science, Other: Computer Aided Design | Grade Level = HS | Time Period = School Year | Program/Funding = | Externships-2020 |
Direct website link to this project: http://ContextualLearningPortal.org/contextual.asp?projectnumber=751.7162