Contextual Learning Projects provide an opportunity to create family connections and increase family engagement in classroom and out-of-school programs.
The Contextual Learning Portal added a question about family engagement to the project template in 2013 and since then, have been gathering examples of family engagement.
Students invite parents, guardians and other family members to project exhibitions. Students interview family members for projects involving local history, family trees,
career exploration, family recipes, cultural background and other areas of family knowledge. Family members volunteer as chaperones, project mentors and reading partners. Projects about health, nutrition and
exercise draw family members into an exploration of healthy lifestyles. "Family Nights" on themes of the arts, math, science and more bring students and families together
to try out new projects and get ideas that they might explore more together at home.
Interviewing Family Members; creating a family tree; "How many generations ago did your family come to North Adams?"
Art Show and Family Presentation.
Students curate and prepare a show of their work. Parents, friends, faculty, staff, and community members are invited.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
At the end of each day all enrichment activities come together for sharing time. Each enrichment activity shares what they have been working on. Parents and families are invited to sharing time.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
At the end of day we have all of the activity groups share during parent pick up time. This is where parents can ask questions and see the growth in their child. We also offer a family drumming day.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students kept an `Eat Safe` checklist, for home use.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students brought the synesthesia survey home, to share with their families.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Parents/guardians were invited to a Service Fair and celebration where they were able to see work completed by students and their projects within the community.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Yes, the skills they learned can be applied outside the school day with family and friends. All they simply need is a compass.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
The students were told to talk to their families about background information about their cultures
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students made pamphlet to bring home to their families
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Family members were invited to attend the STEPS Celebration which took place on the last day of class. This celebration is meant to honor and award students for their hard work and achievement.
Parent outreach is a crucial element of the program in order to motivate students to attend school, enga[...]
Interviewing Students and Family Members
Students interview family members about his/her careers and the path they took since childhood to get where they are today.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Discussions of careers and future with family members. Sharing of materials with family members.
Take home questions for students to use with family member (favorite subjects, best jobs in 20 years, most interesting jobs, etc.). Video interviews with family members.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
There are many online resources in regard to tick awareness. We printed and discussed these items with our students for them to take home and share with their families.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Any student that had any relative in the construction field was asked to speak to them about the nature of their job, working conditions and salary.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
At the end of the 8-week session, students received certificates of achievement at our Family Night event. Students were encouraged to create their next Wellness Goal to include a family member or friend. The After School Program offered a Family Fitness event, in which students in the Life Time Fit[...]
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Family members were invited to the assemblies. In the last two weeks of this activity, students were encouraged to show their appreciation to other people in their lives and many of them chose family members. Students participated in a card-making activity so they could create thank-you cards for th[...]
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
For students creating a commercial, they might want to include family members as past of their cast or marketing materials.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Families were invited to the end of the program celebration to view student accomplishments.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Family connection via regular phone contact from Lead Teacher.
Families were recruited to help maintain the community garden.
A parent visited the class to provide context about early childhood education for the students designing K-1 lessons.
All families were invited to attend the celebration.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
For our Pilot, we reached out to parents of every student in the class to discuss how students will be involved in the class. We also did a mid-pilot check-in, reiterating our instructional goals and outcomes and encouraging families to discuss the concepts being used in the class at home.
We are[...]
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students invited their families to attend Symposium night. We are having portfolio reviews at the end of this trimester and students will be able to share the projects and assignments they are most proud of from our class with their families and educational advocates.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Family members working in engineering, design, construction, and local industry will be engaged as guest speakers and mentors to illustrate to students the ways in which the processes and tools used in this class are part of business and industry standards.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
All installations will be free, open to the public exhibits. All community members will be able to view and interact with the art work. There will also be an opportunity for family members to assist with the implementation of the installation and/or the documentation of the process.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
When students present and defend their research to their classmates and various community partners, parents and family members will be invited as well.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
The Drury Showcase, which was an evening of academic, career and college presentations,was offered to parents and community members.
A career fair, created by Academic Success students, was shared with the school population.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students were given the option to bring their feeders home or place them in the school memorial garden; they were also provided with a printout of the feeder instructions to take home.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Parents/guardians have an opportunity to participate in these efforts by volunteering in the classrooms to act as a facilitator for student learning. Parents will be informed of these opportunities through the use of a dedicated website for the grant project.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students engaged in conversations with family members, involving them in the inquiry and information compilation, as needed.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Family members will be invited to be assistant coaches to the students as they design and refine their robots and participate in the National Robotics League challenges.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Families are able to come participate in the playing of the mini-golf course. Many parents will have the opportunity to sponsor a hole.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
While the project is completed during the school day, families are welcome to attend a project showcase where students give families and community members opportunities to interact with their finished ecosystems web and Scratch project.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students‘ families were invited to view and respond to the films and writing students created during our school‘s annual Symposium night.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Yes, the students went home and spoke to their family and friends about donating gently used books. Also spoke to family members who have students at the elementary level.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
The timing of the first trimester of the course allowed for those students to share their final assessments in a portfolio review with their families and educational advocates.
The Advanced Literature "herstory" piece, explored through Project Month, culminated in a presentation (a Mash up perf[...]
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
At the end of a project we typically have a student exhibition of learning. This is an opportunity for students to showcase their learning to the public. In the past we have invited parents, teachers and students, members of our advisory board and even politicians. Students help with the planning[...]
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students can practice pitching their introductory statement to family members.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students ask a family member what Quality means to them and for an example of a time when they did NOT get the quality they expected. This will then be discussed as an activator over the next couple of days.
The purpose of this is to show students that the quality of a product transcends[...]
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
At the beginning of any workshop class, the instructor should send home a sheet on workshop expectations and power tool safety and usage for students and parents to sign. The instructor should also devote ample time to demonstrating how to effectively and safely behave in a workshop and use the equ[...]
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Could plan end of lesson presentations to include outside guests including family members
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Talk with parents / guardians about how to lower utility bills at home (energy efficient light bulbs, etc) Take photos of Light bulbs, etc. and real implemented changes around the house / apartment, or possible changes that may save energy... This could be a fun / enlightening Homework assignment...[...]
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Ask your mother, father, or any other family member about their job, and report back to the class.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
The culminating project will be showcased for local partners and families.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Journal entry 1 - home safety guidelines. Students will be noting any possible home safety issues.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students bring home engineering notebooks to sign each page as the witness.
The completion of the project students will present to parents, local community, and teacher during an evening session.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
When searching for ideas to do (school store sale, promotion for the bank etc) will remind students to ask friends, family, teachers, co-workers or even reach out to the network of advisory board members and industry contacts they have to ask advice.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Have students discuss findings of home Wi-Fi network with someone at home and make recommendations to improve coverage, speed of devices, and security.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Parents/Guardians will be notify by email/phone call that the students work will be available for review during open house.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students would have time to practice their presentation with their families
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Family members can be invited to the presenations
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students can run the vulnerability scan on their family computer(s) to educate family members.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Have parents fill out a questionnaire on their child`s characteristics they may be beneficial to the to working as a team on a job-site.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Student mission statement will be on display in classroom as well forwarded to all parents. As well as attached to all correspondence with parents for remainder of school year.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students will have access to look at excel spreadsheets posted on teachers website. This will be one way for the students to share with their families.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students are able to practice their introductions and patient interaction scripts at home with their family members.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Research (Frosted Vinyl Lettering) online and find examples of this graphic material used in commercial or residential industry‘s.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students will share guest speaker takeaways with a parent or family member and ask for 1+ comment(s) to share with the class and in their takeaway/recap homework assignment.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
This lab may open up opportunity for students to discuss concepts of loans with their parents
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Block 1 - Journal entry involves writing about meals with family.
Independent practice/worksheets may involve educating family re: myplate recommendations and tips.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Families will be notified of the 10th grade career exploratory unit, the use of Naviance, and the subsequent job shadow experience, for which they will have to sign a permission slip.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students will take home Event Planning Family Survey to complete for homework after class two.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
This year I received e-mails from my children and their physics class, either describing what was ahead, like preparing for midterms or what things they were going to go over in the up coming weeks. They got extra points at from thier teacher if I responded to their e-mail. I love this idea. I cou[...]
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students will show their completed resume to their parent/guardian and explain to them that the have or are working on the qualifications to be a bank teller.They can further explain the opportunities that they will have as career pathways from working in a bank.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Families will be invited into the classroom on days of presentation of businesses.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Have students take home some of the leafy greens grown in class in the aquaponic systems and incorporate in a meal with family
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Projects could be brought home and tested out on family members or set up in public where family or other community members can interact with them
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students can watch an episode of Shark Tank with their family and discuss what they each think the entrepreneurs did well.
Students can show their vision boards to their families and explain the goals they have set for themselves. Families can help students put an action plan together to reach t[...]
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students can read and share the article below with their families. Students can ask what their family members think and if they have another guideline that they follow.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Percentages can create great conversations with students and family. One thing that you can do to help bridge the gap between home and school is a percentage interview. This will allow us to bring back the information and have a conversation as a collective group.
Potential Questions: 1. What does[...]
Covid-19 Family Style To Go Menu
Watch City Cafe
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Practice proper Covid-19 safety and sanitation techniques while helping prepare a family meal. Discuss the importance of proper handwashing, mask usage and social distancing with members of your family.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students can discuss hardships in education and reflect with their families on the general topic of education in America.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Lesson 1- Include in your priority list a task or activity you are responsible for completing at home
Lesson 2- Interview parents or other family members asking what their work dress code is and what would not be in the exact dress code but still considered acceptable attire.
Lesson 3- Intervi[...]
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Student`s website address can be sent to parents for review.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Remote Strategies
Using google classroom or the app Remind
Encouraging the use of the schools portal
Remote Strategies/Instruction:
Create an online google classroom
Provide ongoing feedback
Post screencasts that you create
Use a Google doc to allow students to collaboratively construct and share know[...]
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Parents/guardians can assist students with opening a checking or banking account
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Have parents join google classroom.
Send class email to all parents when starting a new unit.
If a parent has a career that relates to the topics, they could visit as a speaker.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Possibly, if a student would like the final project to reflect a question that is related to their family or household situation and how data can inform them on a particular subject. It can also be used to discuss the project and its outcomes. Lastly, if a student uses this information and uses th[...]
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
The student should share their personality results with their family and reflect with them on how well they describe the student and what steps can be taken to help the student grow based on this results. It would be great if the whole family would participate in the personality survey and reflecti[...]
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students can show their family members their school‘s Twitter account and ask them to follow it for important updates.
Students can show family members with business accounts the importance of linking their Twitter and LinkedIn accounts for posting.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students will have the opportunity to invite their family members to the public restaurant located within the school to perform the duties of service learned in the lessons.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Opportunities for guest speakers.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students will present the information learned to their family.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Peer and family feedback on pitch quality and interest
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students can be encouraged to evaluate family members` eyelashes and face shapes in order to practice identifying face features.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students are asked to question parents/families about different aspects of the employability topics.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students are given homework assignment in which the query friends family and siblings regarding job skills and
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
In lesson one, there was discussion of students relatives in the manufacturing industry. When possible I will reach out to the relative to gain any insight possible. The goal is to make the technology program connected to local families and companies by promoting the companies mission statement, pro[...]
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
The culminating project will be in the community and its members are encouraged to join in. Additionally, the t-shirt fundraiser will involve the community as well.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
This project costs about $30 without rechargeable batteries.
If the holes are pre-drilled, students could take the robot home to build
if they are attending in a hybrid model.
Arduino and Fritzing will run on older low RAM systems.
The project takes a lot of videos and photos which are easy to s[...]
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
I would encourage parents to help with the projects if they feel comfortable with this. In addition, I encourage instructors to survey the class for students who have parents that work with transmissions and if possible have a parent come to give a presentation on the topic or arrange for a field tr[...]
Open Response 2: Family/Worker History
Find out about your own family history, whether in Easthampton or not. Do you/did you have any family members, or ancestors who were mill workers? If not, how about friends of the fa[...]
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
This is a large-scale collaborative project that will involve other classes, family and other community members through school/student connections and Easthampton Media, a public-access community media organization. Our great hope is that people will become inspired to dig into their family archives[...]
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students will be encouraged to talk with their family and or guardians.
Students also highly encouraged to speak with their other teachers to begin a dialogue and build continuous interest in their learning.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Will will heavily discuss Covid-19 and how safe we need to be regarding that as well. I will let students know family comes first and if you or anyone in your family feels sick or is uncomfortable please let me know.
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
At some point during the school year, we will plan a field trip to
the airport. There will be opportunities for parents to meet their
children at the airport and experience a discounted “Discovery
Flight”. There will also be a “Young Eagles” day at Plymouth
Airport where children ages 10-17 can [...]
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students discuss with family members the rationale behind OSHA and the case study in the following video “No Escape: Dangers of Confined Spaces Video”
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Students can practice several skills at home
Unit lesson plan provides useful information that students can teach family members
Hand washing,Cough etiquette, How to properly wear your mask
Family: Any opportunities to involve parent/guardians and other family members in this project?
Teacher can send students home with some extra pieces of PTC paper to have their parents taste it to determine what their genotype is.
As part of the career lesson students could be given homework that asks them to talk with their parents about the careers they learned about and get feedback.