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Guide to Contextual Learning Projects

Table of Contents

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About this Guide

This guide explores ideas and principles for creating contextual learning projects. The guide walks through various aspects of planning and implementing contextual learning projects, starting with basic questions about getting started and then examining questions about “looking deeper” to make sure that contextual learning projects are effective. The guide includes an appendix with profiles of some of the skill areas and areas of focus, such as health literacy, environmental literacy and civic awareness, often explored in contextual learning projects.

Browse online here or download the guide: Guide to Contextual Learning [PDF] | Guide to Contextual Learning [Word]

Table of Contents

Introduction: Creating Contextual Learning Projects

What is the theme and context for your project?

What knowledge and skills do you hope students will gain from this project?

What mix of formal and informal learning will your project provide?

What instructional techniques will you use to support your students in learning?

What assessment techniques will you use?

Discussion: Reflection Questions

Discussion: Assessment and Evaluation Tools
Discussion: Assessment and Senior Capstone Projects

Who is engaged in work related to the theme you want to pursue?

Is the theme one that will appeal to students?

Does this project help students (and families) connect with people, resources and ideas that they may want to explore beyond the life of the project?

Discussion: A Vision for Career Readiness

Does this project idea offer enough depth and challenge?

Appendix 1: Spotlight on 21st Century Literacies and Project Skills

Environmental literacy
Media literacy
Health literacy
Economic literacy
Civic literacy
Computer Technology
Data Analysis
Writing Skills
Creative and Critical Thinking

Appendix 2: Printable copy of Contextual Learning Template